ANG Lyfe+


Attire For Those Who Aspire!

Honor The Oath & Follow The Code!

Seek Knowledge & Deep Pockets!

Alota Note$ Garmentry is the streetwear apparel & lifestyle brand formed from the creative collaboration between D.M.I.G. Catalogue & the Alota Note$ Group. The ANG Collection is meant to reflect the ideals and principles on which the Alota Note$ Group was founded which are: Maximizing Friendships, Capitalizing Interests, Sharing Knowledge, Building Wealth, and Acquiring Power! Alota Note$ Garmentry was born of this same entrepreneurial spirit that drives those with creative passions, artistic aspirations and prosperous ambitions.  The ANG Collection embodies this concept and translate these ideas thru its variety of fashionable streetwear apparel. We provide specially designed 'Attire For Those Who Aspire' to live the affluent lifestyle; clothes for those who 'Follow the Oath & Honor The Code' on the road to achieve their goals; and the wardrobe for street scholars, those who chose to 'Seek Knowledge & Deep Pockets!'